
Part 1 of 2 of our photos Luxury stopover in科帕马里纳海滩度假村和水疗中心


Here we are now staying for 3 nights here in Guanica where the popular Gilligan's island is located We're anchored at the bay of CopaMarina who is hosting us since Thursday - they provided us.a stay at their deluxe ocean view room, couples massage by the beach hut, my scuba diving (this morning), romantic dinner last night and all the delicious meals we've been having at their Las Palmas restaurant! Yesterday, we were just hanging out at the room because it has airconditioner and tv (we don't have those on the boat so it's luxury for us) then we went to the jacuzzi to chill. We want to stay longer but the sailing adventure must continue and still moving from one bay to another until the end of this month before we set sail to the Virgin Islands

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