

I wanted to go as well but no one would look after our two cats.. It's so different nowadays compared to our early travel blogging days that we just go wherever and whenever we want but now one have to stay to take care of Captain Ahab & Little Zissou unless we're in a place where we can find a catsitter but not here when we are new in the town

总之,我们在萨利纳斯租了一辆车(花了40美元),我开车把他送到SJU机场,但在那之前,我们去了圣胡安一家非常高级的巴西牛排店,在那里我们体验了巴西烤肉。non-stop eating of meat (you flip to green for more food and to red if you want to stop) We've experienced it before and my last one was in New York last year (have you tried it?)

After that, I drove Jonathan to the airport to catch his flight in Fort Lauderdale where he'd wait for his very early flight the next day to Japan which actually would take him 20 hours of travel time with layover Hope the unlimited meat would be okay with him



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