
你好,mga实验室。我知道你们有些人想知道到目前为止我的烹饪进展如何!哈哈哈!I forgot to share since most of the photos on my phone is Captain Ahab This week, we also had issues with our propane leak but Jonathan finally fixed it! ❤️

I’m still learning how to cook and thank God they are lesser “sunog” days! I’ve been cooking the same food in the last few months and now willing to learn and follow the recipe you shared me last time! Our boat is “provisioned” for 6 months of food supply but mostly canned goods and plastic-packed items ✔️


如果你有任何土豆或牛肉的食谱,你可以和我分享。请评论!有意愿的同学❤️# WalaNgSunog

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航行 Kach Umandap 评论